Timeout with Evangeline Mitchell

Following highly sought out native-English speakers for teachers in Asia, are Filipinos. They’re strong presence in the US medical profession as hardworking and professional employees stand in equal measure within English teaching courses in developing countries. In the Philippines, English is the medium in which all courses are taught from the sciences to the humanities. It is only appropriate that they have the closest accent to an American.

Filipino teacher Evangeline Mitchell has taught English not only in Viet Nam but also in Thailand, Burma, Myanmar and for the United Nations for over twenty years with her American husband, who is also a teacher. Her background is based heavily with international schools and universities but enjoys her switch to a more business environment with LogiGear VN. Mitchell takes time between classes to answer a few questions:

1. Where did you work prior to LogiGear? What’s the biggest difference between your last position and LogiGear?

I worked at the American International School. The biggest difference is the fact that I taught English as a second language in an academic setting.

At LogiGear, I help the employees improve their English skills so that they are able to communicate effectively to clients and other English speakers who also work for LogiGear. In a sense, my work has more practical applications as my “students” have already begun their careers and need English in the immediate future.

2. What topics do you discuss in class?

For the advanced communication class, topics can vary. However, whatever the topic, they include useful expressions and idioms that are commonly used in an American workplace. I also use topics as a means to provide opportunities for persuasive speech and debate so that students will be able to express their ideas and points of views in addition to further developing their reasoning skills and vocabulary.

3. How long are your classes?

Classes are comprised of about fifteen students and run for an hour. Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension Practice Classes have a maximum of five students run for half an hour.

4. How many English levels?

For the Pronunciation and Listening Classes, there are 2 levels, Basic and Intermediate. Other classes include Advanced Communication Class, Conversation Class, and Reception Class. Soon, an IT Communication Class will start. All of these classes have only one level.

5. Other than teaching the staff English to better interact with clients, are there benefits to continuing through the English levels?

Absolutely, courses run for twenty hours only. The more the employees are given opportunities to practice and further develop their English skills through attending higher level classes, the more confident they will become as English speakers. So this is definitely a situation where more is better.

6. How else can you interact with LogiGear staff? Do you partake in interviews with candidates?

Yes, I conduct verbal assessments to candidates. The results are given to the HR Department for review. When I am not in the classroom, I generally engage in small talk with current and former students as well as other employees from other departments. This gives the opportunity to use English in a “real” situation that is outside the classroom while also affording the opportunity for students to make practical applications of what they have learned. I encourage them to continue to do this.

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