Used TestArchitect to simulate human thinking and completely played game scenarios. Created test scripts to interact with game elements and captured game objects in 3D view


Product & Game testing​



Company size

500 employees

About our Customer

The client is a Japanese video game development company that prioritizes innovation and quality in their products.

The Challenge

Our client remains a Japanese company that specializes in video game development. In 2019, the client released their critically acclaimed and genre-defying action game. Before engaging with LogiGear, the client wanted to establish a successful Automation suite to support testing and solve automatability challenges for their 3D action game but lacked the in-house expertise to do so.

The Solution

Project Deliverables Included:

  • Proof of Concept (POC) pilot project to test LogiGear’s capabilities, featuring one Tester over a month.
  • Using TestArchitect, LogiGear provided a solution to automate video game testing.

The solution included 2 sub-items:

  1. Recognizing the game’s objects and detecting text in pictures and game objects by integrating TestArchitect with AI and machine learning libraries.
  2. Defining rules to navigate obstacles, such as rocks and valleys, and then calculating the direction for the characters to pick up packages.

The Result

TestArchitect smoothly and efficiently automated 3D gaming by:

  • Completely playing a game scenario
  • Capturing game objects (stars) in 3D view
  • Identifying texts displayed on a complex background
  • Handling script to simulate human thinking

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