Avoiding the Pitfalls of Test Automation

Test Automation has the potential to speed up release cycles, increase coverage, and ultimately provide greater confidence in the quality of the software being released. However, software Test Automation can be a costly investment with low returns if not properly executed. This paper outlines the top challenges that are not immediately obvious when initially implementing Test Automation and provides steps that can be taken to avoid the pitfalls or take corrective action.

This eBook is divided into 2 key sections:

I. The top 5 Pitfalls of Test Automation

II. Top 5 Ways to achieve success in Automation

Implement Test Automation Correctly from the Start

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What are the Pitfalls of Test Automation?

Software Test Automation has the capacity to decrease the overall costs of Software Development, while improving software quality. Learn how to overcome common Test Automation implementation problems and achieve the maximum ROI of Automated testing.

Poor Maintainability

One Solution is Test Design Principles should be implemented correctly from the start to take in consideration changes to the Application.

Focus on Tools instead of People

Test automation is focused around tools, but there needs to be proper focus around training testers for automation.

Poor Test Planning

Test Design Issues and test selection should be thoroughly vetted from the start; there are significant differences between writing tests for manual execution and writing them for automated execution

Codeless Automation

One IDE to test all apps

Seamlessly Integrate to Your Ecosystem

In Sprint Automation

Scalable and Sharable


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